ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Via Lucis

Via Lucis is Latin for "Way of Light." It refers to a series of events that happened after Jesus died and rose from the dead, according to Christian beliefs.

When Jesus was alive, he taught people about God and showed them how to live good and kind lives. But some people didn't like what he was saying and they arrested him. They put him on trial and sentenced him to die on a cross.

After Jesus died, his followers were very sad. But three days later, something amazing happened. Jesus rose from the dead! His followers were overjoyed and couldn't believe what they were seeing.

For several weeks, Jesus appeared to his followers and taught them even more about God. Then he went up to heaven to be with God, but he promised he would always be with his followers in spirit.

The Via Lucis is a way for Christians to remember and celebrate this amazing event. They talk about the different times that Jesus appeared to his followers after his resurrection and what he said to them. They also think about what it means to have faith in Jesus and how they can follow his teachings in their own lives.