ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vicarious trauma after viewing media

Have you ever watched a really scary or sad movie or show and felt sad or scared even after it was over? This can happen to grown-ups too, even if they know that what they watched wasn't real.

Vicarious trauma is when something you see on TV or in a movie affects you emotionally and makes you feel like you were there experiencing it yourself. This can happen if what you watched was about something very scary, violent, or sad like a natural disaster, war, or someone getting hurt.

Even though you were not actually there, your brain thinks that you were because you saw it happening right in front of you on TV. This can make you feel upset or even make it hard for you to sleep or do other things you would normally enjoy.

It is important to remember that what you see on TV or in movies is not always real, and it is okay to take a break or talk to someone if you feel upset. It is also a good idea to watch things that are appropriate for your age and ask a grown-up if you have any questions or concerns about what you see on TV.