ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Victoria Harbour crossings

Okay, so Victoria Harbour is a big area in Hong Kong where boats and ships come in and out. There are actually three big ways to get from one side of the harbour to the other: a tunnel, a bridge, and a ferry.

The tunnel is like a secret underground road that goes under the water. It's called the Cross-Harbour Tunnel and cars and buses can drive through it.

The bridge is called the Tsing Ma Bridge and it's really, really big! It's like a giant road that goes up really high in the air so boats can go underneath it. You can drive over it in a car or take a train called the MTR.

Lastly, there's the ferry. The ferry is like a big boat that takes people across the harbour. It's called the Star Ferry and it's been taking people across the harbour for almost 100 years! It's really fun to ride because you get to see all the big buildings and boats in the harbour.

So you can choose which way you want to go across the harbour: you can drive under it in the tunnel, drive over it on the big bridge, or ride on the water in the ferry!