ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Victory Through Air Power

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes when people fight, they use big machines that fly in the sky called airplanes? Well, sometimes in wars, countries use a lot of airplanes to try and win the fight. This is called victory through air power.

When a lot of airplanes are used in a war, they can do a few different things to help win. One thing they can do is drop bombs on the other side, which can hurt and destroy things like buildings or vehicles that the enemy is using to fight with.

Another thing airplanes can do is shoot missiles or guns at other airplanes or helicopters that the other side is using. This can help stop the enemy from using their machines to fight.

Airplanes can also help by doing things like taking pictures of the ground, which can help the people on their side understand where the enemy is and how they are fighting.

So, when a lot of airplanes are used in a fight, it can help the side using them win the war. But it's important to remember that victory through air power is not always enough to win a war on its own - sometimes other things are necessary too!