ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Victory ship

Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, during World War II, there were a bunch of big ships called "Victory ships." These ships were very important because they were used to transport lots and lots of important things from one place to another.

Now, you might be wondering what these important things were, right? They were things like tanks, guns, food, clothes, and even people! Yep, people were transported on these big ships too.

The Victory ships were very special because they were built really quickly and they were very strong. They were built in a way that made them hard to sink, even though there were some bad guys out there who tried to do just that.

It took a lot of people to build these awesome ships. There were workers who built the engines, workers who built the body of the ship, and workers who put everything together. It was a big job, but the Victory ships were very important and helped win the war.

So, in summary, Victory ships were big, strong ships that were used to transport important things and people during World War II. They were built quickly and were hard to sink, making them a very important asset to winning the war.