ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vietnamese mythology

Vietnamese mythology is like a bunch of stories that their grandmas and grandpas used to tell them long, long ago. These stories usually have some sort of lesson or moral value, but they are also just really interesting to hear.

One of the most popular stories in Vietnamese mythology is about a lady named Au Co and a guy named Lac Long Quan. Long ago, Au Co was a fairy and Lac Long Quan was a dragon (but a nice one!). They met, fell in love, and had 100 children together! They were the ancestors of the Vietnamese people.

Another important god in Vietnamese mythology is Thien, who is the god of the sky. He is very powerful and controls the weather. Another god that is really important is the goddess of the sea, called Mazu. People who lived near the coast would pray to Mazu for safe travels and good fishing.

There are also lots of stories about different animals in Vietnamese mythology. For example, there's a story about a clever rabbit who outsmarts a bunch of other animals. Another story is about the golden turtle who granted wishes to people.

Overall, Vietnamese mythology is a really awesome way to learn about the values and beliefs of Vietnamese people, and it's also just really fun to hear all the stories about cool dragons and clever rabbits!