ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Viking Age in Estonia

Okay kiddo, let me tell you all about the Viking Age in Estonia!

A long, long time ago, when your great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents were just babies, there were these really tough guys called Vikings. They lived in places like Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, and they were known for being really good at sailing on big boats called longships and raiding other lands.

The Vikings traveled all over Europe, and even went as far as North America, but did you know that they also went to Estonia? Yes, it's true!

Back in the Viking Age, Estonia was not the country we know today. Instead, it was made up of small tribes who lived in different areas of the land. These tribes were sometimes at war with each other, and sometimes they traded with each other.

The Vikings, with their big boats and tough warriors, were really good at raiding and conquering other tribes. When they came to Estonia, they found it to be a good place to settle down and make a new home.

Some Vikings set up small settlements in Estonia, and some even married with the local tribes. They brought with them their own language, culture, and way of life, and mixed it up with what the Estonians already knew.

Over time, the Vikings became a part of the Estonian culture, and the two groups learned to live together peacefully (most of the time).

Today, we can still see the influence of the Vikings in Estonia. There are some ancient stone walls and forts that date back to the Viking Age, and many Estonian words come from the Old Norse language that the Vikings spoke.

So, that's the story of the Viking Age in Estonia, my little friend. Remember, it's always good to learn about other cultures and their history, because it helps us to understand and respect each other.