ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vile vortex

Okay kiddo, let me try to explain what a "vile vortex" means. So, you know that the Earth is a really big ball that we live on, right? And on this Earth, there are different places that have different energy levels and forces.

Now some places on Earth have a very weird feeling to them, and they are called "vile vortexes". It's kind of like when you go into a haunted house, and you feel scared or nervous, even though there's nothing really scary there. A vile vortex is like that, but it's a whole area that gives people a strange feeling.

Scientists and explorers have found a few places on Earth that are considered "vile vortexes". Some of these places have mysterious disappearances and strange phenomena happening, and nobody can really explain why. But we do know that these areas have a lot of energy and it can affect people and things that go there.

Some people believe that the "vile vortex" areas are connected to each other, and create a sort of ring around the Earth. But, many people also believe that these are just myths and legends, and that there's nothing really bad or dangerous about these places.

So, that's a "vile vortex" for you, kiddo. It's basically a place on Earth that has a strange energy or feeling to it, and some people believe that these areas are connected in a bigger way. But, we don't know for sure if they're real or just made up stories.