ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Villages of Guam

Okay buddy, let's talk about villages of Guam. You know how you live in a house, right? And there are other houses on your street where your friends and neighbors live? Well, villages are like bigger versions of that.

Guam is a really small island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, but it's still big enough to have lots of different places where people live. These places are called villages.

Each village has its own name and its own people who live there. They all have their own houses, schools, stores, parks, and everything else that a community needs.

There are lots of villages in Guam, and they're all different from each other. Some of them are close to the beaches, and some are in the jungle. Some are big and busy, like a city, and some are small and quiet, like a countryside town.

The people who live in each village are like a big family. They take care of each other and help each other out when they need it. They also have their own customs and traditions that make their village special.

So, that's what villages of Guam are like. They're just like your own neighborhood, but bigger and with more people who are all part of the same family.