ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vincible ignorance

Vincible ignorance is when you don't know something because you haven't had the chance to learn it. It's like when you haven't learned how to tie your shoes yet because nobody has shown you how. It's not your fault that you don't know how to do it, but if someone shows you how to do it, then you can learn and not be ignorant anymore.

So, vincible ignorance is when you could have learned, but didn't, and it was within your power to learn. It's like if you have a big test coming up and your teacher tells you what to study, but you don't study that material because you don't feel like it. When you get a bad grade on the test, it's not because you're stupid, it's because you were too lazy to study and learn the stuff you were supposed to.

But it's important to remember that nobody knows everything, and we all have things we don't know. It's okay to ask questions and admit when we don't understand something so that we can learn and grow.