ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Visby lenses

Okay kiddo, let me explain visby lenses to you!

Visby lenses are pieces of glass that were used a long, long time ago by people who wanted to see things better. These lenses were made in a special way that allowed them to magnify, or make things look bigger.

Basically, when you look through a visby lens, it makes things appear closer and larger than they actually are. How cool is that?

People used visby lenses a lot during the medieval times, when they didn't have the fancy technology we have today. They used them for things like reading books, looking at maps, and even for painting and drawing.

Nowadays, we have lots of different types of lenses that can magnify things, but visby lenses are still special because they are a part of our history and show us the cool things people were able to invent even a long time ago.
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