ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Vishnu is a very powerful god in the religion of Hinduism. He is part of a group of gods known as the Trimurti, which includes Brahma (the creator) and Shiva (the destroyer). Vishnu is in charge of protecting the world and maintaining peace and order.

Imagine a world where bad things happen all the time, like people getting hurt, wars breaking out, and disasters striking. Vishnu is like a superhero who comes to the rescue and makes everything better. He has many superpowers and special abilities that help him do his job.

One of Vishnu's most important powers is his ability to reincarnate or come back to life in different forms. This means that he can take on different bodies and personalities to fit the situation. Some of his most popular forms include Krishna, Rama, and Narasimha.

Vishnu is also known for his four arms, which each represent different things. For example, one arm holds a conch shell, which symbolizes the sound of creation. Another arm holds a discus, which represents power and protection. His other arms hold a mace, which is used for battle, and a lotus flower, which represents purity and enlightenment.

As a little kid, we rely on our parents to protect us and keep us safe. Vishnu is like a parent to the entire world, taking care of everything and everyone to make sure they are happy and healthy. So even though we can't see him or talk to him directly, we can trust that he is always looking out for us.