ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Void is a funny concept in programming that means something is empty or doesn't contain anything. Think of it like a box without anything inside. It's still a box, but there's nothing in it. When we talk about void in programming, we're usually talking about functions or methods. These are like little machines that do something for us when we ask them to.

A void function is a machine that does something for us, but it doesn't give us anything back. It's like a magic trick where something disappears, and we're left with nothing. But that nothing is still important because it means the machine did its job.

For example, say we have a machine that prints a message onto our computer screen. We don't need the machine to give us anything back; we just want it to do its job and show us the message. That's where void comes in - it tells the machine that it doesn't need to give us anything after it's done.

So, in short, void is like an empty box or container where we don't expect to get anything back. It's a way of telling our machines to do their job without worrying about what comes next.