ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vocational discernment in the Catholic Church

Vocational discernment in the Catholic Church is when people who have faith in God think about what they want to do with their lives. It's like choosing what toys to play with or what games to play, but this time, it's more serious because it can determine how they will serve God and others for the rest of their lives.

To help them make the right decision, people who are discerning their vocation will pray and listen to their hearts to see how God is calling them. They will also seek advice from priests, nuns, and other people who live a devout life to get insights about the different paths they can take.

These paths can be to become a priest, nun, brother, or sister, and dedicate their whole lives to serving God and His people. Or, they may choose to get married and start a family, another way of serving God and others.

Vocational discernment is like a journey - it requires a lot of patience, reflection, and a listening heart. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to it, and sometimes, the answer may not even come right away. But as long as people keep seeking and listening to God, they will eventually find what they are looking for - a fulfilling and fruitful life that honors God and serves others.