ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Volley gun

So kiddo, have you ever played with Nerf guns that shoot multiple darts at once? A volley gun is kinda like that but for grown-ups and way more dangerous!

See, a volley gun is a gun that fires multiple bullets (usually anywhere from 6 to 40) at the same time. It looks like a regular gun, but instead of a single barrel, it has multiple barrels lined up next to each other.

When someone pulls the trigger, all the barrels fire at once, making a loud bang and sending a bunch of bullets flying towards the target. It's sort of like a bunch of tiny guns firing at once.

The volley gun was used by soldiers a long time ago, back when guns were still new and fancy. That's because it was super useful for times when they needed to shoot a lot of enemies very quickly. A regular gun can only shoot one bullet at a time, so a volley gun was like having a bunch of guns all in one.

But nowadays, volley guns are mostly just used for fun by people who like to shoot guns at shooting ranges or in competitions. They're not really practical for hunting or self-defense because they're big, bulky, and hard to aim.

So there you have it, kiddo. A volley gun is like a super cool, super messy version of a Nerf gun that grown-ups like to play with. But remember, guns are not toys and should only be used by responsible adults in safe and appropriate situations.