ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Voluntary association

A voluntary association is when people come together and choose to be a part of a group because they all have something in common or want to work towards a common goal. It works like being in a club with your friends where you all enjoy the same things and do activities together.

For example, your friends and you might all enjoy playing soccer, so you formed a soccer team. You voluntarily decided to be part of this team because you have a shared interest.

In the same way, other people can voluntarily join associations like clubs, charities, or non-profit organizations. They do this because they have a similar interest, goals or beliefs. It's like a big family where everyone has the same passion, and they work together to achieve something they care about.

Voluntary associations are important because they allow people to come together, share ideas, support each other, and work towards a common goal that they may not be able to achieve individually. It creates a sense of community and belonging, helps people feel empowered, and can make a positive impact on society.