ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vortex ring

Okay kiddo, imagine you are blowing bubbles with a straw. When you blow air through a straw, you create a bunch of tiny bubbles that float up into the air. But what if instead of blowing lots of little bubbles, you blew one big bubble that didn't float up? This giant bubble would be like a vortex ring!

A vortex ring is kind of like a donut-shaped bubble made of air. It's formed when air is pushed out of a small opening, like a straw or the end of your mouth, and then swirls around in a circle. This swirling action creates a ring-shaped vortex, or a spinning column of air.

This spinning air travels through the air or water and can move objects with it. For example, if you throw a vortex ring at a ball, it would push the ball away! People use vortex rings for lots of things, like to blow out candles on a cake or to study how air moves in the ocean.

In short, a vortex ring is like a big, spinning bubble of air that can move things around. It's created by blowing air through a small opening and swirling it around in a circle.