ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Vote swapping

Okay kiddo, let's talk about something called vote swapping. Imagine you and your friend are at a party and you both love eating pizza. Your friend has pepperoni pizza and you have cheese pizza, but you really want to try the pepperoni one. So you ask your friend if you can swap a slice of your cheese pizza for a slice of their pepperoni pizza. Your friend agrees and you both get to enjoy trying both kinds of pizza.

Now let's apply the same idea to voting in elections. Sometimes people really want a certain candidate to win, but they worry that if they vote for that candidate, they might split the votes with another candidate who is similar and end up helping a third candidate that they don't like at all. That's where vote swapping comes in!

People who are worried about this can find someone who supports the other candidate they are worried about "splitting the vote" with, and agree to swap votes. So let's say you want to vote for Candidate A, but you're worried they will split the vote with Candidate B, and help Candidate C win. You can find someone who supports Candidate B, and they're worried about the opposite happening (B splitting the vote with A and helping C win), and agree to vote for each other's candidates. So you would vote for Candidate B and they would vote for Candidate A.

It's like trading pizza slices - you both get to try something new without losing anything. It's also a way for people to vote for the candidate they really want without worrying about their vote being "wasted" or helping someone they don't like win.

However, it's important to note that this practice is not legal in all places and could be seen as a form of election fraud. It's always important to follow election laws and regulations.