ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Voter registration drive

A voter registration drive is like a big party where people can sign up to vote. In order to vote, people need to be on a special list called the voter registration list. The voter registration drive is like a fun event that helps people who aren't on the list to add their name.

At the party, there are special people called volunteers who help guests fill out a form with their name, address, and some other information. This form gets sent to the government, and then the government adds the person's name to the voter registration list.

Once a person's name is on the list, they can go to a voting place and cast a ballot during an election. That means they get to choose who they want to be in charge of important decisions like choosing leaders and making laws.

Voter registration drives can happen in many different places, like schools, community centers, or even online. They help ensure that everyone who is eligible to vote gets the chance to do so. That's important because everyone's voice should be heard in our democracy!