ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

WHAT IF software

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a toy, and you want to make it do something. You need to tell the toy what to do, right? So you give it instructions - like "push this button and move forward."

Now think about your computer or your phone - they are like toys too, but they are really smart toys that can do lots of different things. But they still need to be told what to do. That's where software comes in.

Software is like a set of instructions for your computer or phone. It tells the smart toy what to do - like open an app, or run a game, or show a webpage.

But the cool thing about software is that it's not just one set of instructions. It's made up of lots of different parts, each doing a different job. There are instructions that handle the graphics you see on your screen, or the sounds you hear from your speakers. There are instructions that help your device connect to the internet or to other devices. And there are instructions that make sure everything works together smoothly, like an orchestra conductor.

So when you use your computer or phone, you're really using lots of different instructions all at the same time. And when you download new software, you're adding even more instructions to the mix - like putting new toys in your toy box.

That's what software is all about - giving your smart toys the instructions they need to do all the cool things you want them to do.