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WSFA Small Press Award

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of a book award? It's when people give a special prize to a really good book. The WSFA Small Press Award is a book award that is given to a special kind of book called a "small press" book.

Small press books are written and published by people who aren't from big publishing companies. They are writers who want to share their stories and ideas, but don't have a lot of money or resources to do it. So they make their own books and sell them in local bookstores or online.

The people who give out the WSFA Small Press Award are called the Washington Science Fiction Association. They pick the best small press book of the year and give the writer a prize. This prize is usually some money and a trophy.

The reason the WSFA Small Press Award is so special is because it helps small press writers get recognized for all the hard work they put into making their own books. It also helps other people find and read these great books too. So, it's a win-win for everyone involved!