ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wallball (children's game)

Wallball is a really fun game that you can play with your friends! Here is how to play:

- First, find a wall that you can throw a ball at. It can be any kind of ball, like a tennis ball or a racquetball.
- Next, you and your friends stand in a line facing the wall. One person starts with the ball.
- That person throws the ball at the wall and it bounces back. While the ball is bouncing, they have to run to touch the wall before one of the other players catches the ball and yells "stop!"
- If the player touches the wall before the ball is caught and "stop!" is yelled, they get a point. If they don't touch the wall in time, they are out and have to go to the back of the line.
- The next person in line then gets the ball and tries to get a point.
- The game keeps going like this until someone gets a set amount of points, or until everyone gets bored and wants to stop.

Remember to be safe and not throw the ball too hard or too close to others! Have fun!
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