Walt Disney Animation Studios is a place where people make movies that you can watch on your TV or at the movie theater. A long time ago, there was a man named Walt Disney who started this studio. He had a big idea to make cartoons that would make people happy and make them laugh.
At the studio, there are lots of people who work together to make the movies. Some people draw the pictures, some people write the stories, some people do the voices for the characters, and some people make the music.
When they make a movie, they start with an idea for a story. Then they draw lots of pictures of the characters and the places where the story happens. This is called "concept art." After they have lots of pictures, they start putting them together in a special computer program called "animation software."
In the animation software, they make the pictures move and talk, so it looks like the characters are alive! They add color, music, and sound effects to make the movie even more fun to watch.
When the movie is all done, they show it to lots of people to see if they like it. If they do, they put it in movie theaters or on TV for everyone to enjoy!
So, Walt Disney Animation Studios is a big place where lots of people work together to make movies that are fun to watch and make you feel happy.