ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so imagine you have lots of toys and clothes that you don't need right now but you don't want to get rid of them. Where would you keep them so they are safe and don't take up space in your room? Well, that's where a warehouse comes in!

A warehouse is like a big room with lots of space where people can store things they don't need right now. It's like a big storage unit where people can keep their stuff safe until they need it again.

Some warehouses are really big and can store things like cars, furniture or even huge machines, while others are smaller and only store things like food, clothes or toys.

People can rent space in a warehouse to store their things for a certain period of time. They pay money to the person who owns the warehouse to keep their things safe and secure.

When someone needs their things back, they can come and pick them up from the warehouse. It's like going to a big closet to get your things back when you need them.

So that's what a warehouse is, a big space where people can keep their things safe until they need them again.