ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Warren Ewens

Okay kiddo, let me explain what Warren Ewens is all about! Warren Ewens was a really smart man who studied something called mathematical biology. Basically, he studied how math can help us understand how living things, like plants and animals, grow and change over time.

One of the things he did was come up with something called the Ewens sampling formula. This formula helps scientists understand how different traits, like hair color or eye color, can be passed down from parents to kids. It helps them figure out the chances of different traits being passed on, and how common they are in a population.

Warren Ewens also studied something called genetic drift. That's when changes happen in a population's genes over time, kind of like how different words and phrases become more popular or less popular in language over time. He figured out how to use math to study genetic drift and understand how it happens.

So, Warren Ewens was basically a really smart guy who used math to help us understand how living things change over time. Pretty cool, huh?