ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Warsaw Uprising

Okay, kiddo, so let's imagine that you are living in a place called Warsaw which is the capital city of a country called Poland. One day, some mean people from another country called Germany decide to invade Warsaw and take control of it.

Now, the people of Warsaw are brave and they want to fight back against the mean German people. So, they form an army of their own called the Home Army, and they start preparing to fight back.

But, despite their bravery and hard work, the mean German people are very powerful and have a lot of weapons and soldiers. So, the Home Army fights them for almost 2 months, but they eventually get tired and are not able to keep fighting anymore.

The mean German people end up winning the fight and punishing the people of Warsaw in very cruel ways. A lot of people get hurt or lose their homes, and it's a very sad time for everyone.

But, even though the Home Army didn't win, the people of Warsaw are still remembered as heroes because they tried their best to protect their city and their people. And, someday when you grow up, you can learn more about the Warsaw Uprising and why it was such an important moment in history.