ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wasatiyyah (Islamic term)

Wasatiyyah is an Islamic term that means "moderation" or "balance" in our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. Just like when we eat food, we need to eat in moderation and not too much or too little, in the same way, we need to practice moderation and balance in our lives.

For example, when we believe in something or someone, we should not be extreme about it and think only extreme thoughts. We should have a balanced view and try to understand things from different perspectives. This is because extreme thoughts and views can lead to harmful actions and hurt others.

Similarly, in our behaviors, we need to be moderate and balanced. For instance, we should not spend all our money on just one thing or ignore our responsibilities and duties. We need to balance our needs and desires with our responsibilities and duties.

Overall, practicing wasatiyyah means to live a balanced life and to be fair, just, and moderate in our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. We should respect and seek to understand others, act fairly and justly towards them, and strive to maintain balance and moderation in every aspect of our lives.