ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wave model (linguistics)

Okay kiddo, do you know what a wave is? It's like when you throw a stone into a pond and the ripples go out in all directions.

In linguistics, we use something called the wave model to show how words and phrases change over time. Just like how ripples in a pond get bigger or smaller as they go out, words and phrases change and evolve as they spread from one person to another.

Imagine you have a really cool word that you made up. You tell it to your friend, who tells it to their friend, and so on. As more and more people hear your word and start using it, it might change a little bit each time. It might get shorter or longer, or people might start pronouncing it differently.

This is kind of like how waves can change as they move across a body of water. Sometimes they get bigger or smaller, or they might change shape.

The wave model lets us visualize all these changes and see how they happen over time. We can use it to study how languages change and evolve, and how words and phrases come in and out of fashion.

It's a really cool way to understand how language works, and it helps us appreciate all the different ways people around the world use words and communicate with each other.
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