ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Weasel war dance

The weasel war dance is something that weasels do when they are feeling very excited or happy. It looks like they are jumping around and bouncing all over the place. They might even make some funny noises while they do it.

Imagine you're feeling really, really happy and you start bouncing up and down and making silly noises because you're just so excited! That's kind of what the weasel war dance is like.

When weasels do this dance, sometimes they are trying to show off to other weasels or maybe even scare away an enemy. Other times, they might just be feeling so happy and playful that they can't help but dance around.

So, the weasel war dance is just a little dance that weasels do when they're feeling really happy or excited. It's their way of showing their feelings and having some fun!