ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Weather spotting

Weather spotting is when people watch the sky and report what they see to help keep others safe. Just like how grown-ups tell little kids to look both ways before crossing the street or to wear a helmet when riding a bike, weather spotters help keep everyone safe by watching for dangerous weather.

Weather spotters look for things like tornadoes, thunderstorms, and hail. They may also report on things like heavy rain and flooding. They use their eyes to watch the sky and their ears to listen for thunder and wind. Sometimes, they even use special equipment to measure how much rain is falling or how fast the wind is blowing.

When weather spotters see something dangerous, they report it to special people who work for the government called meteorologists. These meteorologists use the information to help predict where the dangerous weather will go and how severe it will be. Then they can warn people who might be in danger, so they can take shelter safely.

Being a weather spotter is really important because it helps keep people safe. It's kind of like being a superhero who looks out for the safety of others!