ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Web hosting service

Do you know how you have your own special drawer or shelf at home where you keep all your favorite things, like your toys or clothes? Well, a website is like that but on the internet! Just like how you need a drawer or shelf to keep your things organized, a website needs a special place on the internet to be stored and accessed by other people.

This special place is called a web hosting service. Think of it like a giant computer or storage room where all the websites are stored. Typically, when you want to create a website, you have to pay a company to use their web hosting service.

When you use a web hosting service, you get a special address (called a domain name), like www.example.com, that other people can use to find and visit your website. All the information that makes up your website, like pictures and text, are stored on the web hosting service's computers.

It's important to choose a good web hosting service because it affects how fast your website loads and how reliable it is. Just like how you want your toys or clothes to be safe and easy to access in your drawer or shelf, you want your website to be accessible and speedy for people who want to visit it.