ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Web performance

Web performance is like trying to race your toy car against your friend's toy car. You want your toy car to move as fast as possible so you can win the race.

When we talk about web performance, we mean how fast a website or web page loads and works. Just like your toy car, websites and web pages need to be built in a way that makes them work really fast so that people can use them easily and quickly.

To make sure a website performs well, people who build websites have to make sure that the code (the instructions that make the website work) is written really well. They also have to make sure that the images and videos that are on the website are not too big, or they will take a long time to load.

Just like how you don't want your toy car to break or slow down during a race, websites need to be built in a way that they don't break or slow down when people use them.

So, web performance is all about making sure that websites and web pages are built in a way that they work really fast and smoothly, just like how you want your toy car to win the race!