ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Weber problem

"The Weber problem" is a puzzle that involves finding the point that is closest to a group of other points. Imagine you have a bunch of Lego blocks scattered on a table, and you want to find the spot where you can place a bigger block that is closest to all of the smaller blocks. This is a bit like what the Weber problem is.

Now, think about how you might solve this puzzle. You could try putting the bigger block in different spots and measuring the distance to each of the smaller blocks, then comparing the distances to see which spot is the closest to all of them. This is basically what mathematicians do when they solve the Weber problem, but instead of Lego blocks they use numbers and equations to calculate the distances.

The Weber problem is important because it has many real-world applications. For example, it can be used to find the best location for a new retail store. If the store wants to be as close as possible to all of its potential customers, then solving the Weber problem can help determine the ideal location.

In summary, the Weber problem is a puzzle that involves finding the point that is closest to a group of other points, and it can be solved using mathematical calculations. It has many real-world applications, such as helping businesses find the best location for their stores.