ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Do you know what weighing is? It's when you see how heavy something is. Now imagine you have some marbles and you want to know how many green ones you have. But you also have some red marbles and blue marbles mixed in there. So you decide to give the green marbles more importance than the rest. That's what weighting is. It's when you give more importance to one thing than another thing.

In a lot of things we do, we need to give some things more importance than others. For example, when your teacher is grading your homework, some questions might be worth more points than others. The same way, sometimes when we're saying how good or bad something is, we might not want to give everything equal importance. We might want to say one thing is more important than another thing. In that case, we also use weighting.

Weighting is used in many different types of fields. In sports, for example, if you can run faster than someone else, that might be more important than if they can lift heavier weights. So the person who runs faster might get more points in a competition. In science, scientists might care more about some data than other data. They might give more weight to the data that is more important. In accounting, different things might be worth more money than others. So accountants might use weighting to help figure out how much money certain things are worth.

The important thing to remember about weighting is that it helps us see what is more important and what is less important. It helps us make better decisions when we need to figure out how to measure or compare things.