ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Welfare in Sweden

Welfare in Sweden is when the government helps people who don't have enough money for basic needs like food, housing, clothing, and medical care.

The government gives people money to pay for these things if they can't afford it themselves. This helps to make sure everyone has a minimum standard of living that is safe and healthy.

The government also provides job training, education, and other resources to help people find jobs and become self-sufficient. This is because the government wants to help people who are struggling to get back on their feet and become independent.

Welfare programs in Sweden are funded by taxes, which means that everyone pays a certain amount to support the programs. This is a way for everyone to help each other out, so that those who are struggling can get the help they need.

Overall, welfare in Sweden is a way for the government to make sure that everyone has their basic needs met and has the opportunity to succeed.