ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A wetland is a place where land and water meet and mix together. It's like a big, watery sponge that helps to clean and filter water. Wetlands are home to lots of different plants and animals like ducks, frogs, and dragonflies.

Think of it like a big, squishy cake. The top layer is the ground, but it's very soft and mushy. In fact, if you tried to walk on it, you might sink down into it! Underneath the soft layer is a layer of mud and dirt, and then underneath that is a layer of water.

The plants that grow in a wetland are specially adapted to living in soggy soil. They have deep roots that help them stand up straight and soak up water. And the animals that live in a wetland are also adapted to the environment. For example, frogs have big webbed feet that help them swim through the water, and ducks have waterproof feathers that keep them dry.

Wetlands are important because they help to keep our water clean. They absorb chemicals and pollutants and purify the water before it flows into rivers, lakes, and oceans. They also provide a home for lots of creatures that can't survive anywhere else. So, next time you're near a wetland, take a look and see all the amazing things that live there!