ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Whirlpool (hash function)

A whirlpool hash function is like a secret code machine that turns words or numbers into jumbled up letters and numbers. It's like a secret code that nobody can read unless they know the special way to un-jumble the letters and numbers.

When you use a whirlpool hash function, you put in a word or number, and the function turns it into a bunch of random looking letters and numbers. But, no matter how many times you put in the same word or number, it will always come out with the same jumbled up letters and numbers.

This can be really helpful to keep things secret, like passwords or other important information. It's like putting a lock on a diary, but the lock is the whirlpool hash function. Only someone who knows the secret way to un-jumble the letters and numbers can unlock it and read the information.

Overall, whirlpool hash functions are really good at keeping things secret and safe, just like a secret code machine.
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