ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Digital timestamping

Alright kiddo, do you know what a timestamp is? It's like a clock that shows you what time it is right now.

Now, digital timestamping is kind of like that. But instead of telling you what time it is, it helps people know when a particular digital item was created or modified.

This is really important when you're dealing with things like important documents or transactions. Let's say you sign a contract online. You want to be sure that the other person can't come back later and say, "Hey, I never signed that!"

That's where digital timestamping comes in. It puts a special code or mark on the contract that shows exactly when it was signed. So if anyone tries to say they didn't sign it, you can prove that they did because you have a timestamp to back it up.

And that's basically all there is to it, kiddo. Digital timestamping just helps people know exactly when something was created or modified in the digital world. Pretty cool, huh?