ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


XAdES stands for XML Advanced Electronic Signatures. It is a special type of signature that helps people and computer programs ensure that electronic documents are authentic and have not been tampered with.

Imagine you drew a picture with your crayons, and you want to show it to your friend later. You could sign your name on the picture so your friend knows you made it. But what if someone else tried to change your picture and put their name on it? That wouldn't be fair, right? That's why we need signatures that people can trust.

A digital signature like XAdES works the same way. It uses a special code to say, "I am the person who created this document, and nobody has changed it since then." When you sign something with XAdES, people can check the signature code to be sure the document is genuine.

In grown-up terms, XAdES is a set of rules that allow people to sign and verify electronic documents using XML technology. It includes a lot of technical details like cryptographic algorithms and certificate validation, but the important thing to remember is that it helps keep electronic documents safe and trustworthy.