ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Whitechapel Bell Foundry

Okay kiddo, so do you know what a bell is? It's a big metal thing that makes a loud noise when you hit it, right? Well, a long time ago, people wanted these big bells to ring in churches and other important places.

One place that made a lot of bells was called the Whitechapel Bell Foundry. It was in London, England, and it had been around for over 400 years! That means it was around for a really long time.

People would come to this foundry to order a custom bell. They would tell the workers what size they wanted, what shape, and what sound they wanted it to make. Then, the workers at the foundry would use a lot of different tools to make the bell.

They would melt down pieces of metal and pour it into a mold, kind of like making a cake. Then they would use hammers and chisels to shape the bell and make it look smooth. They would also put a really cool design on it, so it would be pretty to look at.

After the bell was finished, they would put it in a tower and attach a big rope to it. When people pulled the rope, the bell would ring and make a loud noise that could be heard for miles around! It was really important because it helped people know when it was time to go to church or when something important was happening.

Unfortunately, the Whitechapel Bell Foundry had to close in 2017. But don't worry, there are still other places that make bells. And we can still go see the old Whitechapel Bell Foundry building and remember all the cool bells they made there!