ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Who Will Remember the People...

Imagine you're playing a game of hide and seek, but instead of just one person trying to find you, it's lots of people trying to find you. And every time they find you, they write down your name and tell other people about you. And those other people also write down your name and tell more people about you.

That's kinda like what happens when we talk about people who have done important things or made a big impact on the world. When we remember someone, we're not just thinking about them in our own minds. We're also telling other people about them and sharing their stories.

Sometimes, people who have done great things become really famous, like movie stars or famous athletes. But other times, they might only be famous in certain communities or for a certain group of people. For example, you might never have heard of a scientist who discovered something really cool, but their work might be super important for other scientists who study the same thing.

So who will remember these people? Well, it kinda depends. Some people will be remembered by lots of different people for a long time, but others might only be remembered by a few people for a short time. But in general, people who do things that are important or meaningful tend to be remembered by at least some people, even if it's only a small group.