ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Wikitorial is a website where people can write and edit articles on different topics. It's like a big book that anyone can contribute to. But the special thing about wikitorial is that it allows people to work together to write the articles.

Think of it like a bunch of kids working together on a project for school. Each kid can take on a different part of the project, like writing an introduction or finding pictures to use. And all of the kids can work together to make sure the project is as good as it can be.

At wikitorial, people can write about anything they want, like sports, music, or science. And other people can read the articles and leave comments to tell the writers what they did well and what they could improve. This helps everyone learn from each other and make better articles in the future.

So, wikitorial is a cool website where people can share their knowledge with others and work together to make awesome articles. It's a place where you can learn something new or teach something to someone else.