ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wing twist

Hey there kiddo, today we're going to talk about something called "wing twist". Do you know what wings are? They're those big things on airplanes that help them fly. Now, these wings are usually straight and flat, but sometimes they can be twisted at the tips.

When we say "wing twist", we mean that the wings are slightly bent upwards at the ends, like a bird's wings when it's soaring through the air. This makes the airplane more stable and easier to control, especially during takeoff and landing.

Imagine holding a book in your hands with your arms straight out. You might notice that it's a bit hard to hold it steady for a long time. However, if you twist your hands slightly upwards at the edges of the book, it becomes easier to hold and balance.

It's the same with airplanes. By twisting the wings upwards, it helps the airplane stay level and prevents it from tipping over or "rolling" when it's in the air.

Wing twist is something that airplane designers and pilots think about a lot, because it can make a big difference in how the airplane flies. It's just one of many little tricks they use to make flying safer and more efficient.

Does that make sense, kiddo? Do you have any more questions about wing twist?