ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wireless internet service provider

A wireless internet service provider (WISP) is like a magic genie that helps you access the internet from far away without having to use cables or wires. Just like how you can connect your tablet or phone to your home Wi-Fi, a WISP connects you to the internet using special radio waves that travel through the air.

Imagine a bunch of satellites and towers that are special and can speak to each other in a special language that only they understand. When you connect to the internet through a WISP, a signal from your device gets sent to one of these towers or satellites which passes it along to the next one until it reaches the internet.

So, just like when you talk to your friends on the walkie-talkie, your WISP communicates with these special towers and satellites instead of talking directly to the internet (which is very far away).

This means that if you live in a really remote area where it's difficult to lay down wires or cables for the internet, or if you just want to have internet on the go, a WISP can help you stay connected.