ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wisdom of Sirach

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about the book of Sirach, also known as Ecclesiasticus, and why it is considered wisdom literature.

The book of Sirach is like a big book of advice and wisdom for people to follow. It was written a very long time ago by a wise man named Yeshua ben Sirach, who lived in Jerusalem around 180 BCE. He wanted to share his knowledge and experiences with others so they could learn how to live good and happy lives.

There are many different topics in the book of Sirach, such as how to be a good friend, how to treat your parents, how to be humble, and how to handle your money. It's like a guidebook for life!

Sirach's advice is based on his own experiences, but also on the lessons he learned from his ancestors and from studying the Torah (the Jewish holy book). He believed that all people should strive for wisdom, which he described as understanding the world and learning how to make good choices.

The wisdom in Sirach is still relevant today, even though it was written so long ago. People can still learn from his advice and apply it to their modern lives. It's like having a wise grandparent who you can turn to for guidance and support.

So there you have it, the book of Sirach is a big book of wisdom and advice for people to follow, written a long time ago by a wise man who wanted to share his knowledge and experiences with others so they can learn how to live good and happy lives.