ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Wise Men of Gotham

Once upon a time, there was a town called Gotham. The people who lived in Gotham were called Gothamites. One day, a group of travelers came to Gotham, and they were very wise. People started calling them "wise men" because they had a lot of knowledge and experience.

The Gothamites were so impressed by the wise men that they invited them to stay in Gotham. However, the wise men noticed that the people of Gotham were not very smart. They were always doing silly things and making mistakes. The wise men thought it was funny, so they decided to play a trick on the Gothamites.

They told the Gothamites that they had noticed a problem with the town, and that it was in danger of collapsing. They said that the only way to save the town was to do something really silly, like all get into a boat and row it up the hill to the church. The Gothamites believed the wise men and did what they were told.

The wise men laughed and laughed as they watched the Gothamites row the boat up the hill. Finally, when the Gothamites reached the top of the hill, they realized that they had been tricked. The wise men told them that they weren't really in danger, and that they had only done it to prove that the Gothamites were not very smart.

After that day, whenever the Gothamites did something silly or foolish, people would say, "Oh, he must be from Gotham." The story of the wise men of Gotham teaches us that it's important to think for ourselves and not always believe what others tell us.