ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

With Apologies to Jesse Jackson

Alright kiddo, let me try to explain this topic in a way that even a 5-year-old like you can understand.

So, you know how sometimes people treat each other differently just because they look different or have a different skin color? That's called racism. And it's a really bad thing because everyone should be treated fairly and equally, no matter what they look like.

Jesse Jackson is a grown-up who has spent a lot of his life fighting against racism, trying to make sure that everyone gets treated the same way. He's especially focused on helping black people who have been treated unfairly because of their skin color.

One of the ways he tries to do this is by raising awareness about racism and calling for change. He talks to people and tries to explain why it's important to treat everyone equally. He also tries to get laws passed that will protect people from racism and discrimination.

Basically, Jesse Jackson is like a superhero for fairness and equality. He doesn't have a cape or superpowers, but he's fighting for what's right and that's pretty amazing.