ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Women in ancient and imperial China

So, a long time ago in China, women had a different way of life than they do now. Women were not treated the same as men and had to follow certain rules.

In ancient China, women had to obey their fathers when they were young and their husbands when they were married. They were not allowed to go to school or learn a trade like men. Women had to stay home and take care of the house and children.

Some women became concubines, which means they were like a second wife to a rich man. But even then, they were not treated as well as the main wife.

In imperial China, which means when there was an emperor in charge, things became a little better for women. They were allowed to get an education and some women even became powerful empresses.

But still, women were not equal to men. They were not allowed to hold political office or own property. They were seen as less important than men.

It wasn't until much later, in the 20th century, that women in China were given the same rights as men. Today, women in China can choose what they want to do with their lives, just like men do.