ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Women in early radio

Before a long time ago, there were radios that people used to listen to music, news, and other things. At first, there weren't a lot of women on the radio because people thought that women's voices weren't as good as men's voices. But some women really wanted to be on the radio and they worked really hard to do it.

One of the first women to be on the radio was a lady called Sybil Herrold. She liked music and she was good at playing the piano. She started playing music and singing in a radio station that her husband built. Some people didn't think she should be on the radio because she was a lady, but lots of people liked her voice and wanted to hear her sing.

Another famous lady on the radio was called Kate Smith. She had a big and beautiful voice that people loved to hear. She sang lots of different songs and even had her own radio show. She was really popular, and people would write to her and tell her how much they liked her singing.

There were also women who worked behind the scenes in radio. They would get the music and talk shows ready to play on the radio. One of these women was called Ida Bailey Allen. She made sure that the radio station had good programs and music that people would like to listen to.

Even though it was hard for women to be on the radio at first, they worked hard and showed that they could do it just as well as men. Now there are many women on the radio and they are just as important as the men on the radio.