ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Women in the Philippines

Okay kiddo, in the Philippines, there are boys and girls just like everywhere else in the world. But sometimes, girls have a harder time than boys. That's because some people in the Philippines believe that boys are better than girls.

But that's not true at all! Girls can do anything that boys can do, and sometimes they can even do it better. Some girls in the Philippines go to school and study really hard so that they can have a good job when they grow up.

But some girls don't get to go to school. That's because their parents don't have enough money to pay for their education, or because they believe that girls should stay at home and learn how to take care of the family. That's not fair, is it?

Also, some girls in the Philippines are not treated well. They are sometimes hurt, abused or bullied by other people, or even by their own family. That's not right, and it's important to help those girls and make sure that they are safe.

So, we should always treat girls with kindness and respect, and give them the same opportunities as boys. Girls can be strong, smart, and successful, and they deserve to be treated with love and equality.